April 2012

I didn’t have the energy to come up with a witty title for this post. It’s the last day of April, so it’s time for a recap. Now, I actually went the extra mile for this post, because I didn’t want to do my homework am so dedicated, and downloaded the pictures from my point and shoot Canon camera rather than just reusing my iPhone 365 Project shots, so you’re in for a treat. Click any photo to enlarge.

April started off steely and grey, then it warmed up and then it cooled down again. Now I’m cold. Get it together, spring! Oren and I headed into Hoboken on the first of April to meet some friends for some delicious Cuban food, a stop at the Hoboken museum and a walk along the river.

In Hoboken, surveying lower Manhattan

Later that week, I hopped on a train for Rochester to celebrate Passover with my family. It was more than seven hours long, ungodly hot and I didn’t get a window seat, but I had wifi the whole way! Beat that, car ride. I snapped this picture when my seat buddy was in the bathroom. He got off in Utica, so I had a couple hours to myself toward the end.

New York State Countryside

The next day, we had a surprise visitor! My younger brother, Rey, showed up on my grandparents’ doorstep all the way from Montreal! Everyone was shocked and happy to see him.

A Family of Four

The Seder went down with our usual irreverent revelry…with a little more spilling-of-wine than usual. We were using weird, outdated haggadahs that were funny, but way too long, as usual. The food was yummy and Joey got $20 for finding the afikomen in the toaster oven! Clever, Grandpa. Very clever.

Seder 2012

My camera has nothing on it from Passover until April 20th. I took that Zentangle class with Aunt Betsy where I made this bag. Lots of people had birthdays and then on April 20th, I headed down to Rutgers where Oren and I met up with the Valencia crew and hang out with lots of cool people, including these lovely ladies (sorry for the quality; I didn’t take it!):



The next day, we planted trees in Queens for the National Day of Service. A week later, Oren was offered and accepted his very first job and we celebrated with Oren’s friends from Israel. Next, a rocket flew around New York City and then Oren and I headed back down to Rutgers to go to Ag Field Day and the NJ Folk Festival. We ate lots of stuff that we probably shouldn’t have (think kettle corn, plantains, crab cakes and fudge)…but it’s okay! We’re halfway through our 5k training!

Fun at the Alma Mater

All in all, it was a good month–very busy, but satisfying. The in-between times have been full of homework (and procrastinating from doing homework). Oren is done with classes this week (I have another month to go…but only one! Woo!) Before we know it, we’ll be celebrating our graduations and diving headlong into summer.

Stay tuned for the madness to come.

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